Korean Co-Teacher
There will be a Korean co-teacher in each school that supervises the EPIK teacher. The licensed Korean English teacher or a teacher who speaks English fluently plays the role as the Korean co-teacher. He or she is responsible for consulting, directing and cooperating with the EPIK teacher concerning class work, life at home and in/around the school. The primary role of the Korean co-teacher is to plan and conduct English classes with the EPIK teacher. In addition, the Korean co-teacher participates in preparing school events, carrying out the administrative jobs which are related to co-workers or students and consults with the EPIK teacher during difficulties.
In principle, the EPIK teacher should teach students in collaboration with the Korean co-teacher. Though the EPIK teacher learns how to prepare teaching materials and methodologies during the preliminary training at orientation, the EPIK teacher will be informed again about their assigned classrooms, teaching materials, and teaching methods from the Korean co-teacher when the EPIK teacher starts teaching at their designated school. All issues related to class work need to be consulted with the Korean co-teacher.
Class Hours
Generally, each class meets for 40 minutes for elementary school, 45 minutes for middle school, and 50 minutes for high school. This is subject to change, however, according to the season, weather, or the individual environment of each school. Some schools have special classes after regular class work, in which EPIK teachers are required to teach specific subjects or fields.
The Number of Students
At the beginning of every year, the number of students for each class is decided by the superintendent of each Metropolitan Office of Education (MOE) or Provincial Office of Education (POE). The number is usually 35 or more, though there is no national unified regulation. The class size will depend on the location of the school, such as an urban school versus a rural school. The number of students per class can range anywhere from 10 to 40 students.
Educational System and School-Age

The educational system (6 years - 3 years - 3 years) is nationally applied by the law, without exception, but the ages within each school level can vary slightly according to each individual student.
Generally speaking, the school year begins on March 1st in Korea. Vacation periods fall within the summer and winter seasons. Summer vacation begins at the end of July and finishes at the end of August, lasting for approximately one month. Winter vacation begins at the end of December and finishes at the end of January or early February. The starting date and the ending date can vary depending on each school, as each school sets their own vacation period dates. During vacation, EPIK teachers may be required to teach programs such as English camps, since it is common for students to participate in special school activities that are held during these vacation periods. For more information, please refer to the contract.
Administrative Office
The Administrative office at each school provides EPIK teachers any necessary administrative services after placement. This office arranges housing before the EPIK teacher is appointed. The Administrative office is in charge of handling the contract, salary, insurance, tax, etc. for the EPIK teacher. If there are any questions regarding these areas, please contact the Korean co-teacher to relay your questions to the Administrative office.