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EPIK(English Program In Korea) logo


about EPIK


Office Hours Monday to Friday
09:00 ~ 18:00 (Korean Standard Time)
Closed on weekends and Korean national holidays
Address EPIK Division, Foreign Language Education Support Team
National Institute for Intemational Education
191 Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
Republic of Korea
Telephone From within Korea : 02-3668-1399 (English), 1400 (한국어)
From outside Korea: +82-2-3668-1399 (English), 1400 (한국어)
Email General, Public Relations and Website Inquires

Directions to EPIK, NIIED

Directions From Exit No. 4 (Bundang Line)

1. Take Exit No. 4 at Jeongja Station

2. When exiting, TURN AROUND and head towards the intersection behind the exit. Do not cross the road.

3. Walk until you pass the Starbucks on your right and you will come to a 4-way intersection.

4. Cross the intersection and the NIIED building will be the 10-story blue glass building on the RIGHT.

5. The EPIK Office is in room 802

Directions From Exit No. 5 (SinBundang Line)

1. Take Exit No. 5 at Jeongja Station

2. Walk out of the exit towards the first intersection and turn LEFT. Do not cross the road.

3. Walk until you pass the Paris Croissant on your left and you will come to a 4-way intersection.

4. Cross the intersection and then turn immediately LEFT. After one-half block, the NIIED building will be the 10-story blue glass building on your RIGHT.

5. The EPIK office is in room 802