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[NIIED] EPIK Native Coordinator Job Opening (Closed)

2024-02-06|Views 882
Attachments : Native Coordinator Position Details (English).docx
Application Form (English).docx
2024년 외국어교육지원팀 원어민 기간제근로자 채용 공고(국문).hwpx

[국립국제교육원 공고 제 2024-4호]

The Foreign Language Education Support Team of the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) is looking to hire a native English-speaking coordinator.

Please review the attachments for details. 


○ Position: EPIK Native Coordinator

○ Application Submission: 2024. 1. 30.~2024. 2. 12.

○ Employment Period: 2024. 3. 1.~2025. 2. 28. (one year contract)


Any questions should be directed to the email address listed in the attached files.